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Newest financial inclusion data provides compelling insights for Ethiopia
Access to finance in Ethiopia has increased over the years, largely driven by financial institution accounts. Yet, women remain largely excluded from the financial sector, with certain gaps widening over time. This brief analyses data from The World Bank’s Global Findex 2022 and other sources to assess the financial inclusion landscape in Ethiopia and presents both high-level and specific actions to take into consideration.
Congratulations to Sophie Falsini
Sophie Falsini was named to Innovate Finance “Women in Fintech Powerlist 2022” in recognition for her significant contributions to gender-intentional policymaking in sub-Saharan Africa.
Insights for Tanzania: What global data reveals about financial inclusion for women
Access to and use of digital financial services in Tanzania has increased over the past decade. But despite this progress, women remain under-served by the financial system. This brief analyses data from The World Bank’s Global Findex 2021 and other sources then presents recommendations for increasing financial inclusion in Tanzania.